Fusion Mobile is an App for mobile devices, that allows staff to receive critical messages, alarm notifications and tasks from any of your onsite systems, including Nurse Call, Fire, Security, Duress, Building Management, Industrial PLC devices, sensors and more.
When an event is detected by your Fusion messaging system, a push notification and alert is automatically sent to the relevant staff mobile devices depending on the configured business workflows.
Compatible with Smartphones and Tablets, Fusion Mobile uses enterprise level SSL/TLS encryption to keep all message content secure.
Inbox View
The Inbox shows each staff member their specific alerts and tasks, as well as text messages from other staff members. Messages are colour coded based on priority and keywords. Tapping a message gives more details and various options for responding.
Alarm/Event/Task View
The Alarms menu gives a complete overview of all active alarms, tasks and events onsite. Alarms are colour coded based on priority and keywords. If the staff member has the appropriate permission, they can even remotely accept and clear an active event, removing it from the list.
Send A Message and Reply
Staff can collaborate and securely text each other within the App, with emoji and all international language characters supported. Using the inbuilt staff directory, simply start typing the name of the staff member or group to find them. The message content is end-to-end encrypted, keeping staff and customer information private.
Accept, Escalate or Cancel Events
When a new event or task is received, several options become available to the App user including:
Accept - Accepts the event or task and stops the message escalating to the other staff.
Force Escalate - Immediately escalates the event or task to the next available staff member.
Delete - Deletes the message from the device but leaves it on other staff devices for attention.
Reply - If the message originated from another staff member, the user can quickly respond with a secure text message.